
PCF - Power Apps Code Components in a Day.


Duración: 1 Día.
Examen: Este curso no tiene examen asociado.
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Module 1: Building code components.
You’ll be creating a field code component that can be deployed to both canvas and model-driven apps.

Module 2: Deploying and configuring code components.
You’ll be creating a field code component that can be deployed to both canvas and model- driven apps.

Module 3: Introduction to React.
You’ll be learning about using React with code components. React is an open-source JavaScript library that makes it simpler to build fast, responsive user interfaces that are composed using components.

Module 4: Using React & Fluent UI in code components.
You’ll be learning how to use React with code components along with Microsoft’s user interface component framework called Microsoft Fluent UI for consistency and accessibility reasons.
This course and labs covers how to build and deploy code components for Power Apps. The second part of this course focuses on using React & Fluent UI in code components.
Audience profile.
This course is targeted for pro developers. It assumes you have knowledge of developing using JavaScript and HTML.
Before attending this course, students must have:
•  Software Development background, or equivalent work experience with Microsoft Power Platform.
If you have not already, you will need to follow the pre-requisites to ensure you have a windows machine with the following setup:
•  Visual Studio Code.
•  Node.js.
•  Microsoft Power Platform VS Code extension.
•  A Power Apps Developer Environment.
Garantia Ofrecemos la garantía 100% de satisfacción
Si no te gusta el resultado de tu curso, puedes volver a tomarlo en cualquier otra fecha calendario.
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  Horarios Online  
  Horario Matutino:
Lunes a Viernes de 8:00 a 15:00 hrs.
  Horario Vespertino:
Lunes a Viernes de 15:00 a 21:00 hrs.
  Horario de Fin de Semana:
Sábado 8:00 a 15:00
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