
KeD Challenges-Microsoft Azure


Duración: 5 Días.
Examen: Este curso no tiene examen asociado.
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Subscription Grouping by Series (and how to locate individual Challenges).

Azure: Automation Services.
Azure: Architect Technologies Solutions.
Azure: Infrastructure Solutions.
Azure: Network Security Solutions.
Azure: Platform Protection.
Azure: Architect Storage, VMs, and Monitoring.
Azure: Networking and High Availability.
Azure: Fundamentals.
Azure: Architect Design Solutions.
Azure: IoT Solutions.
Azure: Manage, Monitor, and Secure.
Azure: Storage Solutions for Developers.
Azure: Storage Solutions.
Azure: Data Solution Design.
Azure: Hybrid Cloud ARM Solutions.
Azure: Hybrid Cloud Services.
Azure: Data Solution Implementation.
Azure: Secure Data & Applications.

Audience profile.
This Subscription is intended for IT Professionals who are looking to keep up to date on features and functionality for a particular technology and/or who are responsible for supporting multiple technologies.

It is recommended to have 6 months of hands-on experience administering Azure, along with a strong understanding of core Azure services, Azure workloads, security, and governance.

What You Will Learn.
•  Azure fundamentals.
•  Provision and manage Architect Design Solutions.
•  Configure Update Management for On-Premises Systems by Using Azure Automation Accounts.
•  Configure an Autoscale Alert on a VM Scale Set.
•  Automate and Manage Custom, Scalable Azure VM–Based Infrastructure Solutions.
•  Monitor Communication Between Virtual Machines by Using Network Watcher.
•  Configure Multi-Scope Resource Permissions.
•  Create, Manage, and Monitor Azure Virtual Machines.
•  Manage Azure Network Connectivity and High Availability.
•  Implement and Govern an Azure AD Environment.
•  Provision an End-to-End IoT Solution.
•  Manage, monitor, and secure Azure platform services.
•  Integrate storage.
•  Provision Data Storage for a Web App.
•  Design a Data Movement Solution by Using Azure Data Factory.
•  Deploy Hybrid-Cloud Azure Solutions by using ARM templates.
•  Deploy a Web App with Database Authentication using Azure AD.
•  Populate Azure Synapse Analytics using Azure Data Factory.
•  Manage Security for Virtual Machines and Databases.
Garantia Ofrecemos la garantía 100% de satisfacción
Si no te gusta el resultado de tu curso, puedes volver a tomarlo en cualquier otra fecha calendario.
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  Horarios Online  
  Horario Matutino:
Lunes a Viernes de 8:00 a 15:00 hrs.
  Horario Vespertino:
Lunes a Viernes de 15:00 a 21:00 hrs.
  Horario de Fin de Semana:
Sábado 8:00 a 15:00
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