
KeD Challenges-Cybersecurity


Duración: 5 Días.
Examen: Este curso no tiene examen asociado.
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  • Info del Curso
Subscription Grouping by Series (and how to locate individual Challenges).

Cybersecurity: Offensive Tools.
Cybersecurity: Defensive Tools.
Cybersecurity: Tools and Access Management.
Cybersecurity: PKI Essentials.

Audience profile.
This Subscription is intended for IT Professionals who are looking to keep up to date on features and functionality for a particular technology, who are responsible for supporting multiple technologies, and who are preparing for vendor certification exams.

It is recommended to have two years experience in IT administration with a focus on security. The candidates will be using a Windows Server 2016 domain controller.

What You Will Learn.
•  Discover Network Services by Using Nmap.
•  Configure Remote Administration by Using Putty and SSH.
•  Harden a Linux Web Server.
•  Use PKI To Secure a Network Environment.
•  Harden Windows Hosts.
•  Manage Access in Linux and Windows.
•  Manage Windows and Linux Systems.
Garantia Ofrecemos la garantía 100% de satisfacción
Si no te gusta el resultado de tu curso, puedes volver a tomarlo en cualquier otra fecha calendario.
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  Cursos relacionados  
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Cursos Nuevo
Cursos bajo Requerimiento Especial
Es aquel que se puede impartir siempre y cuando cumpla con un mínimo de participantes para su confirmación de fechas depende de la disponibilidad de KeD. Contacte a su Representante de Ventas
  Horarios Online  
  Horario Matutino:
Lunes a Viernes de 8:00 a 15:00 hrs.
  Horario Vespertino:
Lunes a Viernes de 15:00 a 21:00 hrs.
  Horario de Fin de Semana:
Sábado 8:00 a 15:00
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